30 May 2018


Sugar substitutes are the natural sweeteners that give a sweet taste to food just like sugar but have a lower glycemic index. We consume sugar either as naturally occurring sugar from fruits, vegetables, honey and other natural materials or it can be taken as the one added to foods during processing known as added sugar. According to the health experts women should consume about 6 teaspoons (25 grams) of added sugar while men can consume about 9 teaspoons (38 grams) per day. However with increase in consumption of unhealthy junk and sugary foods our sugar intake is much higher than the recommended limit.

Our body needs some amount of glucose which is most commonly obtained through sucrose from daily diet for important physiological functions. In addition sugar gives sweet taste to food and improves its palatability as well as acceptance. Hence it is difficult to completely avoid sugar. However, too much sugar intake is linked to several lifestyle and chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. Consumption of sugary foods especially the one containing added sugar results in sudden rise in blood glucose levels and leads to hyperglycemia. A constant high level of sugar in blood makes it difficult for the hormonal system to metabolize it and eventually leads to several complications including diabetes.

So how can we prevent the consequences of too much sugar intake without compromising on the sweetness in the food? The answer is natural sweeteners! These are the sugar alternatives that are obtained from various plants, fruits or other natural materials. Sugar alternatives can also be artificial sweeteners like saccharin, sucralose, aspartame and others. Food items containing artificial sweeteners are often labelled as sugar-free or diet food items. Artificial sweeteners are often obtained synthetically and so often are thought to be unsafe. However, there is no clear evidence to report the side effects of artificially sweeteners yet.

In this article you can learn about the natural sweeteners that are obtained from herbs, plants, fruits, berries and other natural origin, how do they act as healthy sugar alternatives and what are some of the most popular natural sugar alternatives.

How do the natural sweeteners work?
Natural sweeteners give the food a sweet taste, just like normal sugar. The sucrose known commonly as table sugar is chemically a disaccharide made up of glucose and fructose. The consumption of sugar release glucose in the body which in needed quantity is beneficial to the body. However glucose is absorbed too quickly on the body, making its concentration very high on regular intake. Natural sweeteners contain a varying proportion of glucose, fructose or other monosaccharides. The natural sweeteners are absorbed much slowly by the body. These natural sugar alternatives also show a lower glycemic index meaning their potential to increase blood glucose levels, is lower than that of the regular or refined sugar.  Consumption of natural sweeteners thus helps in maintaining blood sugar levels, which makes them healthier sugar alternatives. This is the most important reason natural sweeteners can be used as sugar alternatives by people with diabetes.

List of 5 popular natural sweeteners to include in daily diet

Honey is the longest known natural sugar alternative to mankind. Made by the busy bees from flower nectar, honey has been a part of human diet for thousands of years for its sweet taste. Honey contains glucose and fructose as the primary monosaccharaides. It also contains trace amounts of vitamins and minerals. The fructose present in honey is believed to show beneficial effects on glycemic control. Honey is therefore used as sweetening agent in foods made for people with diabetes.

Natural Fruit extracts
Most fruits contain primary or intrinsic sugar. These are the sugars that occur naturally in a substance. The body does not absorb nearly 30% of sugar present naturally in the fruit. It is instead directly metabolised in the gut thereby reducing the chances of increasing the blood sugar level. The fruit extracts, pulps, purees or jams are therefore used to impart sweetness to a substance in place of added sugars. New research reveals that extract of fruits such as Luo Han Guo fruit and Cactus pear fruit can be used as a new source of natural sweeteners.

Stevia obtained from the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is trending as a sugar alternative among people who are diet and health conscious. The sweet taste imparted by stevia to the food is reported to be perfect and just like sugar. In one study people were blindly given stevia to taste and asked to report its sweetness. On tasting stevia almost 80% people reported that the sweet taste of given substance was just ‘perfect’! The best part about stevia is it provides zero calories and can actually protect against hyperglycemia and high blood pressure.

Palm sugar
Palm sugar is obtained from different varieties of palm trees. Taking into consideration the availability of the palm trees in abundance and the easy method of processing palm sugar makes it a feasible sugar alternative. Palm sugar shows lower glycemic index without compromising on the sweet taste.  In addition palm sugar contains inulin, a fibre beneficial to gut bacteria that slows down the absorption of sugar in the body.

Dried sweet fruits
Dried berries, fruits, and honey were the naturally available sweeteners known to our ancestors even before sucrose became a popular sweetener and was marketed by the food industry.    Dates, figs, prunes, and apricots are some of the common fruits consumed as dried fruits. Traditionally dried fruits do not contain added sugar and the process maintains its nutrients intact. Dried fruits are the healthier natural sugar alternatives to foods containing refined sugar such as sweets, and candies and are an excellent means to satisfy the sweet tooth. Traditionally dried fruits have a low glycemic index (GI) and thus their intake does not cause blood sugar level rise in people with diabetes. With their natural sugar content, presence of other nutrients like protein and fibres and low glycemic index the dried fruits  appear to be safer natural sugar substitutes.

High sugar intake is linked to several serious illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. Natural sweeteners such as honey, palm sugar, stevia and others provide a safer and natural sugar alternative to regular sugar. Overall, a healthy diet that provides essential nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, good fat, mineral and fiber is important for maintaining good health. Reduction in intake of added sugar can be achieved by replacing regular table sugar with natural sugar alternatives. You can consult our experts to understand your dietary needs and make required changes to your dietary pattern

Need help with the healthy diet plan? Contact us! 

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